Best Blogger Tips

Friday 12 December 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #102

Play along here

1. Friends are there to help each other when one is feeling blue.

2. Good health; it's
taking care of your body as well as your mind.

(All right, Mr. DeMille,) I'm ready for my close-up. - Sunset Boulevard

4. Eucalyptus is one of my favorite perfumes or aftershaves or smells.

5. The oldest ornament I have is a cross handed down to my husband from his grandma.

6. Take some butter, flour, sugar and a pinch of salt, mix it all together and you have a tasty shortbread.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finishing my Holiday shopping, tomorrow my plans include more shopping, house cleaning and decorating and Sunday, I want to go to hubbies uncle and aunties for a potluck on the farm!

That's a warp for this week my friends, see you Monday xxoo
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Janet said...

I love the smell of eucalyptus too. Thanks for playing, have fun this weekend :-)

Billy Rhythm said...

Good shortbread has precious few ingredients, no?

Melli said...

That's ALL that's in shortbread? No other liquid? WOW! No wonder I like it so much...

All I have left to buy for Christmas is some lottery scratch-offs for everyone's stockings! I'm DONE! Whooo hoo!

Enjoy your weekend!

LarryG said...

I am really loving everybody's take on friends. Tons of positivity.

ohhhh i do want some shortbread!

Enjoy your weekend.

cheatymoon said...

Have fun shopping, Jack. I like your answers this week - and the shortbread sounds great.

Billy Rhythm said...

Small world, huh Jack? LarryG (who incidentally posted right above me), also posted a comment on my blog. So I went to his site, and checked it out. Lo and behold, he's got a photo up that you took! So I came here to tell you, and found he's already posted here too! Maybe we should all get together for coffee!

Shadow said...

i really love your weekend plans!

Amber said...

Mmm, Eucalyptus!
I suck at making cookies...especially shortbread, LOL. I can bake everything else under the sun, but cookies are my foe.
Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

I like eucalyptus too, especially when I have a cold. I could 'deep breath it all day'. Your so far ahead of me with your holiday sounds like you deserve a relaxing evening at the potluck!!

Happy Friday! Mine's up too...just!

Anonymous said...

great fill-ins...hope you're staying warm out there. it's -17 with 50-60kmh winds here...way...too...brrr...