Best Blogger Tips

Tuesday 31 March 2009

The Universe speaks to me...

and sends daily inspiration via my inbox.

Last week while stalking visiting the -ever so talented- Lee at Lemons 2 Lemonade, she shared a link to TUT with us on her weekly Wellness Wednesday post.
My first message from the Universe:

Chinese say, "The best time to plant a tree was always 20 years ago. The second best time is always today."

Funny how planting trees and taking action on the life of your dreams are the same that way.

Jack, it's NEVER too late for anything. Just start!

The Universe
You can receive your own inspirational message from the Universe by heading over to TUT and signing The Oath.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ®

Monday 30 March 2009

I could easily eat Italian cuisine for a year

Uno non può pensare bene, amare bene, dormire bene, se non ha mangiato bene. ~Virginia Wolf
Translation: One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if hasn't eaten well.

* Bistecca alla fiorentina
* Baccalà alla Vicentina
* Lasagne
* Pasta e fagioli
* Pizza
* Ragù alla bolognese
* Fettuccine Alfredo
* Salsiccia
* Veal osso buco
* Pollo alla cacciatora
* Risotto


- Gelato
- Pies & Tarts
- Biscotti
- Frittelle
- Cenci
- Preserves
- Frittate

Oh, lets not forget the Wine

> Stella Pinot Grigio
> Villa Sandi Prosecco
> Saracco Moscato
> Produttori
> Antinori Peppoli
> Castello di Monastero
> Fontodi Chianti
> Righetti Amarone
> Marenco Scrapona
> Famiglia Anselma

Premios Dardo Award

“Premios Dardo” means roughly “Top Dart.”

This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day.

Wow- I’ve won my very own Premios Dardo award, thanks to
Callista's Ramblings. Callista's Ramblings is a very resourceful blog - it's a mixture of product reviews, contests and giveaways, news and family. You can find a link to her blog over in my Distractions List... go on over and give her a click.

The rules to follow are:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
All of the blogs on my blogroll are worthy of listing. So I award Premios Dardo to:
Yesterday, Today and Forever

only a movie

Thistles and Maple Leaves

My space.. my blog... my life...

Pseudonymous High School Teacher

Inventing My Life

Reading, Writing and Retirement

The Philosophy of Chairs

Saturday 28 March 2009

Spring Things

Today is such a beautifully sunny and warm(ish) spring day. I can feel the change. I am so looking forward to a fresh start and have been thinking about some lifestyle changes as well. Last May hubby and myself stopped smoking - still smoke free! This spring we have decided to see a nutritionist and join a gym, and I may even hire a trainer.

Here are a few other things I want to accomplish this spring/summer season:
  1. Put in a small veggie garden.
  2. Photography classes.
  3. Find some vintage cameras.
  4. Take lots of photos with them.
  5. Weekend road trips.
  6. Lots of family BBQ's and cookouts.
  7. Camping.
  8. A trip to Newfoundland to see Gros Morne National Park .
  9. Try some Geocaching.
  10. Treasure hunting.
How about you? What is on your "to do" list for this season?

Friday 27 March 2009

“We are all of us resigned to death; it’s life we aren’t resigned to.” - Graham Greene

My bucket list starts with:
A little cottage in the Country
It's been a long time dream of mine.

Get myself a red vintage Vespa
I need something to drive when I'm in the Country house.

Write and preform a song before a live audience
I don't really have a clear concise reasons for this one... Just something I have always wanted to do.

Vacation in Greece
A beautiful country with interesting history, sights, tastes, scents, and culture.

See an Auroraborialis
Who wouldn't want to witness this beautiful electric phenomenon?!

Excited molecules particles crashing with atoms of gases in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Green, red, yellow... Oooo Aaaaa!


Friday Fill-Ins #117

Want to play?

This week, Janet took the first sentence in 6 of her favorite books. we go!

1. "In a hole in the ground there lived the underworld creatures disguised as a little white rabbits. They are the drivers of this crazy ship we call Earth."

2. "I am at a loss for words but that ain't no matter."

3. "After dark the rain began to fall again, the sun went out and all the creatures great and small were helpless against the unknowns of life."

4. "Cries of fear and anguish rose up from the hold of the Spanish galleon."

5. "There was a hand in the darkness and little Jackie was pulled into the shadows... They say that childhood traumas can severely affect the adult psyche. I'm proof of that."

6. "Accidents ambush the unsuspecting; for some people there are never easy roads or happy endings."

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to shopping for an outfit for Saturday night, tomorrow my plans include groceries, errands, then a wedding reception and Sunday, I want to get up early for the market and maybe grab some brunch with the hubby, then who knows!

Ps. My imagination got away from me with this weeks FFI's. So much fun!
happy weekend -xxoo

Thursday 26 March 2009

Zombies, Shmombies!

I have concocted a special anti-zombie spray.
Upon contact, zombies immediately develop the following symptoms:

* intense pain
* profuse sweating
* confusion
* loss of consciousness
* violent convulsions
* and, finally...Re-Death

Contact me to Order Yours Today!
And if you call within the next hour, I will include a bonus 12 oz bottle of Vampire Repellent Spray.

Kokology - Into the Depths

{Introduction to the game}
(pg. 63) Every adventure involves an element of danger—it’s the danger that makes adventures so exciting and hard to resist. People willingly spend good money to experience that same thrill without the physical risk. It’s this fact of human nature that keeps haunted house attractions and sky-diving schools in business. The impulse to face risks is in us all. Indeed, the fascination with danger can prove to be such a powerful lure that some people will gamble with their own lives to confront a mystery or explore a new world. We’ve all watched as the unwitting hero of a horror movie is about to walk through a darkened doorway and wanted to yell, “Don’t go in there! Are you crazy?” But what would you do if it were you?

Our next scenario leads us into the dark world, where the line between simple thrills and actual fear is blurred…

Jot down your answers to the following question:

1. You are in an old, abandoned building where no human has set foot for years and have discovered a staircase leading underground. Slowly you make your way down, counting the steps as you go. One step… two… three… How many steps is it to the bottom of the stairs?

2. The underground room is pitch black. Then, from the darkness you hear the sound of another person. Is the person weeping softly? Moaning wordlessly? Is it a voice speaking to you?

3. How do you react on hearing the sound of this other person? Do you try to search out the source? Is your first instinct to run up the stairs without looking back? Or are you paralyzed with fear and frozen where you stand?

4. You hear a person now calling your name and see a figure descending from the light at the top of the stairs. Who is this person coming down the stairs?
Remember, there are no right or wrong answers; you can share your answers by leaving a comment.

My Answers:

*Reading this in Google Reader? Answer the questions before you continue to scroll to see the Key to "Into The Depths".

{ Click to reveal the Key to Into The Depths}

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Tuesday Tune - Natural Disaster

I think I need a tune today... how about you?
Natural Disaster is a nice little tune by a local Halifax boy - Joel Plaskett & the Emergency.
I really enjoy this song, it makes me think of all the storms we have had this past winter.
La de da de da de da
Batten down the hatches Becky
Open up the earth and sky
Waiting on a natural disaster
Sitting out on my front porch
Watching storm clouds moving faster
Like a natural disaster

Monday 23 March 2009

Wandering Mind & Spring Snow Storms

My mind went wandering off again... it left Friday morning and still hasn't returned. Perhaps it is up in the big dark snow clouds that have been hovering over us for most of the day.
{Photo of the falling snow tonight }

Have you ever stood outside at night when the snow is gently falling down and looked up? It almost feels as if you were flying...


Point and Shoot Camera Tip

Getting some great night shots:
1.  First of all, get yourself a tripod.  You don't need anything too fancy, I have seen them for around $10 at the local camera shops.
2.Use a higher ISO,  800 or more.
3. Squeeze the shutter release, don’t press the button until your focused on the subject.
4. Use the self-timer.
5.  Practice makes perfect.

Friday 20 March 2009

Happy Spring!

{view the full image}
Download the desktop wallpaper here

I was busy playing around with Photoshop last night.
Happy Spring everyone!

Thursday 19 March 2009

Kokology - A Night at the Symphony

{Introduction to the game}
(pg. 24) There's something magical about a night at the symphony - a sense of expectation and pure pleasure. Imagine being able to take a place on that stage among the other musicians, a once-in-a-lifetime chance to perform at your very best.

If you could join the orchestra, what of the following instruments do you see yourself playing?

1. Violin

2. String Bass

3. Trumpet

4. Flute

My Answer is #2- String Bass, Double Bass as I have always known it. I picked it simply because I use to play String Bass many, many years ago. I switched to electric because I thought it was cool and was easier to get to and from my lessons. My mom has some photos of my playing the magnificent instrument when I was 9 or so... I must go find them and post them here.

It's such a sexy looking instrument with a haunting sound that still makes me weep... have a listen!

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers; you can share your answers by leaving a comment.

*Reading this in Google Reader? Answer the questions before you continue to scroll to see the Key to "A Night at the Symphony".

{ Click to reveal the Key }

{photo courtesy of Crobis}

Equinox, Eggs & Balance

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring... Autumn, for those of you in the southern hemisphere. Yay!

Friday, March 20th we will be celebrating the Vernal equinox in Northern Hemisphere and Autumnal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. There is a folk tale that claims only on the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox, one can balance an egg on its end. Well last Fall on the Autumnal Equinox, I did the egg experiment and to my surprise... it worked!

The truth is you can perfectly balance an egg any day of the year. Here is the history behind the significance of the ritual on the equinoxes:

The Chinese are thought to have originated the practice of standing eggs on end during the equinox. Just as the equinox symbolically restores balance to the world by signaling its rebirth after a season of darkness, the equinox literally balances the day by dividing it into equal portions of darkness and light. If the symbol of fertility — eggs — could be balanced on end during a day equally divided between day and night, this was a sign that all nature was in harmony. That the balancing of eggs could be achieved on any day of the year was of no importance; what everyone wanted and needed was a familiar, reassuring ritual to demonstrate that all was right with the world.

I thought I would just give you all a little heads-up so you could try the egg balance for yourself. Give me a shout and let me know how it worked out for you.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Wordless #33 - Sunset

Sunset - an exhibition in light and colour

Grab the Wordless Tag above

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Here is a little green in honor of St. Patrick's Day today. I grew impatient waiting for Spring to come so I decided to grow my own little patch of lawn inside.  Spring starts in 4 days... Yipee!

From Wikipedia:

St. Patrick's Blue, not green, was the colour long-associated with St. Patrick. Green, the colour most widely associated with Ireland, with Irish people, and with St. Patrick's Day in modern times, may have gained its prominence through the phrase "the wearing of the green" meaning to wear a shamrock on one's clothing. At many times in Irish history, to do so was seen as a sign of Irish nationalism or loyalty to the Roman Catholic faith. St. Patrick used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pre-Christian Irish.

Monday 16 March 2009

Weekend Update

Happy Monday everyone! Did you all re-charge yourselves over the weekend? Are you ready to take on the week? I know I sure am.

This weekend was pretty relaxed and laid back for me. Mostly I spent time hanging out at home with the family, watching movies, reading, shopping, eating... Priss hung out with us for the majority of the weekend - which was nice!

We went shopping during the day on Saturday then came home, had dinner then watched "A Girl Interrupted" - one of Priss and Baby Girls favourite movies.

We had some lovely visitors to our yard. Four deer we spotted in the back yard munching on some young buds on the trees ( see, I told you the forest behind my house was enchanted). The afternoon was spent doing some clean up around the yard, taking full advantage of rising mercury which reached a whopping 12 degrees Celsius. We ended the weekend with a yummy roast dinner with some delicious strawberry shortcakes for dessert.

1.) New tulips (they were on sale on Saturday)
2.) A Girl Interrupted
3.) My visitors
4.) Strawberry Shortcake

What was your weekend like?

Friday 13 March 2009

Friday Fill Ins #115

Want to play? we go!

1. When I look to the left, I see an empty wall that should have a nice piece of art for me to look at.

2. My dining room window that looks out at an enchanted forest, is the room that has the best view in my home.

3. Let it work it's way right into you. (who sang that anyway?)

4. AC/DC say dirty deeds are done dirt cheap!

5. Reduce, reuse and recycling is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share.

6. If you have any spare time feel free to donate it for a worthy cause.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to staying in and curling up with a good book, tomorrow my plans include a little of this and some of that and Sunday, I want to have a nice dinner and spend a lazy afternoon with my family!

*Hope your weekend is great, may the sun shine bright on you! xxoo

Thursday 12 March 2009

Lemonade? ¢5 A Glass!

Two awards in the span of a week... what a great group of bloggie friends I have. This one, "When Life Gives You Lemons" award was passed along to me from such an inspirational gal, Movie. Her blog is called "Don't Worry it's Only a Movie", and you can find a link to her blog over in my distractions list (I do become distracted quite often over at her place). Thank you Movie!

How amazingly fitting for me to receive this award during such an awful week. I'm referring to the nasty fight with my Sister on Saturday. Angry words were said on both sides. Words and accusations that cut until I bled. Apologies -- I made an attempt to patch the rift.

As the days go by this week, I no longer want to dwell on the words said in anger or the original thing that I was hurt over. What I feel now is slight rejection, sadness, but mostly forgiveness. I just wish she would come to the same realization of how trite it all is, acknowledge my attempt at an apology, and offer the same in return. What I want more then anything is to repair the broken pieces so we can move on.

I think I will need to find a few lemon recipes -other then lemonade- to use up all the lemons that have piled up. Any suggestion?

Rules for the Lemonade Award:
  1. Post the logo on your blog.
  2. Nominate blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
  3. Link to the nominees within your blog post.
  4. Notify the recipients of the award by commenting on their blog.
  5. Share the love and link back to the person from whom you received your award.
Many blogs come to mind as great recipients for this award but since I just passed an award on to 7 blogs from my link list earlier in the week, I will keep this list a short one.

Lemons 2 Lemonade (lol) - Check out her Wellness Wednesday posts... lovely idea!
Mommy Mania - A mother with two young boys knows a thing or two about how to make lemons into lemonade for sure!
1 Door Away From Heaven - Shadow is a must visit! Her lemonade is so sweet with just enough of the tang ;)

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Kokology -- A Desert Journey

It's Thursday... how about a game of Kokology?
{Introduction to the game}

(pg. 17) This journey will bring us face-to-face with the infinite. Take a moment to prepare yourself, an enter the eternal desert...

1) You are riding a camel across the cast and empty expanse of a seemingly endless desert. You have ridden until you are near exhaustion. What words would you say to the camel that has carried you all the way?

2) Just at the point when you thought you'd die of thirst, a beautiful oasis appears. But someone has arrived before you. Who is this other traveler? (use the name of a person you know)

3) Time passes slowly in the desert, and it feels like an eternity before the lights of a town appear on the horizon. You have finally reached your destination. What are you feelings as you come to your journey's end?

4) The time has come to part with the camel you have ridden for so long. Just as you dismount, a new rider climbs into the saddle to rake you
r place. Who is the new rider? (use the name of a person you know)
There are no right or wrong answers, you may share your answers by leaving a comment or you can keep your answer to yourself - it's up to you.

My Answers: 1) C'mon buddy, lets get movin'. (2) It's Hubby! How did he get here so fast? (3) Joyful & maybe a little sad the adventure is over. (4) My sister in-law and her husband are waiting to take our place on the camel.

*Reading this in Google Reader? Answer the questions before you continue to scroll to see the Key to "A Desert Journey.

♥ Click to reveal the Key

{photo courtesy of Google Images)

Drum Roll Please...

And the winner is...
(earlier you may have seen this post pop up for a second. I was preparing a post for the contest winner reveal and clicked "publish post" by accident. So, for real this time... lol)

Congratulations to #13: auntrene (OH-IO)! who has won the Cheers to One Year! giveaway. I used to choose the winning random number. auntrene, I will be emailing you shortly and remember, I need to hear back within 48 hours after I send the email out, or another winner will be chosen.

auntrene said... I would use this wonderful mood board to showcase some of my most prized possessions. Everything from pictures of the kiddos, made by the kiddos, scraps of leaves the kiddos bring inside for me to keep, I can think of so many things to place on this wonderful board.
Thanks you to all who participated in my Birthday Giveaway! It was so much fun to read all of your inspirational ideas for a Mood Board.

Here are some of the things you all said you would put on your own Mood Board:
  • Favorite maternity pictures and our first family picture after my DD's birth. Pictures of my favorite knitting to inspire me to makes some of my own designs.
  • Fountain pen, a squirt of hubby's aftershave and a 2 rand not a fortune teller gave me about 20 years ago.
  • Photos, favorite pages photocopied from books, ticket stubs to concerts.
  • Photos of sunsets and the ocean, my kids growing up.
  • Well-used guitar strings, my retirement notice, A picture of Earth to remind me of perspective and to keep me grounded, a photo of my paternal grandmother, who I didn't know but who inspires me anyway.
  • Patterns I want to knit, postcards, bits of leaves and bark I've collected, recipes, and quotes.
  • Personal notes I've received, quotes which move me, and other ephemera that makes me happy.
  • Favorite poems, exercise goals, and kid's activities.
  • Inspirational quotes, including the infamous 'Just Do It', some pics of people who inspire me, some pics of people i love and some goals.
  • Pictures from the resort for my honeymoon, a picture of my wedding dress.
  • Pictures of my family and pictures of my favorite movies, actors.
  • Gardening pics that inspire me and quotes and bible verses.
  • Showcase some of my most prized possessions. Everything from pictures of the kiddos, made by the kiddos, scraps of leaves the kiddos bring inside for me to keep.
  • Pics of my sons and of course Oliver (my dog) on my mood board, this would lift my spirits.
  • Fun color combos I find in magazines, the latest inspiring product I picked up and something wonderful that makes me smile every day!
  • Sunflower or two. A few fav photos. Inspirational fortune cookie "fortunes".
  • Anything that would keep me in a positive frame of mind and focused on all of my blessings.
  • Pictures i find that are inspiring to making my art.
  • A small version of an elephant footprint that I got from a zoo, photo of my son, a picture of my Wish sleeping (dog), a newspaper article about the weather featuring husband, a feather (to fly away if needed), a button to press to play a song, and a key to my heart.
  • Daily quotes and pictures on it. They are just nice to have hanging around.Pictures of the places I go that make me feel calm and peaceful, trinkets that I hold dear in my heart from loved ones who have passed, list of things I want to do.
  • Things that are only "mine" - in other words, hopefully no grocery or chore lists! I would tack up random pictures that appealed to me.
  • Favorite photos and inspirational quotes. Also possibly snippets of my favorite colors and magazine articles.

Monday 9 March 2009

KreativBlogger... who me?

Lee over at Lemons 2 Lemonade -- a very KreativBlogger herself -- has bestowed upon me this lovely award. Thank you Lee! Go on over and pay her a visit, she has some very inspirational work on her blog... you can also find her at a little spot called The Linar Studio.

This particular award sure is making its way around the blogspere. This is round two for me but I am only too happy to receive it a second time... besides, gives me an excuse to use Photoshop and create a nice photo post.

The rules: List 7 things that you love (You can add photos if you want just because they are just fun to look at!) and then pass the award on to 7 people ... tag them and let know you think they are a KreativBlogger too!

Seven Things I Love (besides my family):

{in photo format)

Now I'd like to name the following 7 bloggers to receive the KreativBlogger Award and ask them to pass it along and complete the 7 things for them to fill out:
Reading, Writing and Retirement, WackyMummy, Yesterday, Today and Forever, Madeleine's Book Blog, Inventing My Life, Lime in the coconut, Jacki's Bento Blog

I could have gone on and on with this list but I do believe I have already passed this particular award onto some of the blogs in my "distractions" list. So if your listed above and have already received this award, no need to post it all over again -- that is unless you want to :)

*Polaroid Photoshop Action from rawimage

*images above came from I ♥ it with the exception of yellow & blue and sleeping late

Weekend Woes

Ah Monday! The sun is shining, there's birdsong in the air, and what is left of the snow and ice is melting. All this should make me feel energized and alive but instead I'm dragging my ass today.

This weekend was rough to say the least. I had a huge blow-up with my sister... a fight so huge, it will forever change my relationship with her. Today my emotions are still very raw, I'm feeling hurt and betrayed and terribly drained. I thought I'd be able write about what happened but I am still way too emotional, and can't even think straight. Maybe tomorrow or later in the week...

Hope your weekend went a little better then mine.
Happy Monday!

{Image from FFFFOUND}
I think I will get a print of this done up to hang in the foyer. What a great reminder when you enter the house and when you exit.

Friday 6 March 2009

Friday Fill Ins #114

Want to play? we go!

1. Helping an elderly gal off the slippery curb tonight was my last random act of kindness.

2. Another place, another time, on the other side of the looking glass. There is another world, they say, that exists on the other side of our own, and things turn out in different ways.

3. I wish that I had the power to make these feelings stop. I lose all self control in matters of the heart. ~ Tracy Chapman

4. Coffee, tea or beer?

5. We all travel in the same directions, just down separate paths.

6. Our evolving love reminds me that there is still room for growth and change.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to shopping with my girls, tomorrow my plans include lobster at my mom and dads for lunch and dinner at the in-laws for dad-in-law's birthday and Sunday, I want to do something fun with hubby!

I do hope you all have an enjoyable weekend xxoo