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Friday 30 April 2010

Early Mothers Day Gift
& Friday Fill Ins

 Hubby always knows just what I like.  
A new little Fuji to replace the one I broke last month... pretty isn't it?

Friday Fill Ins #174
Click the link below to play along we go!

1. I was feeling so lost without my point & shoot so hubby decided to give me my Mothers Day gift early from him and the kids.
2. When I was moving to the new house last year, I had a book box to donate and one to keep, and I left my book box "to keep" in the wrong pile and it got donated too.
 3. Why do I love him?  I love him because he understands me, better than I could ever understand myself.
4. Warm lazy days on the beach was in my thoughts today.
5. One of my father's favorite sayings was "that'll teach ya!".
6. Out of the blue anxiety, trepidation, fear--I know that feeling!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a salon visit with my favourate hair artist (she's amazing!), tomorrow my plans include Sister-In-Law's wedding rehearsal and dinner and Sunday, I want to relax at home with hubby doing some yardwork and gardening!

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Tuesday Ten

{photo of the Grain Elevators I shot from a parking lot off South Bland Street Halifax}

Have you ever Googled your name to see what it came up with?  I got this idea from watching Oprah's show tonight, "A road scholar, a convicted murders: The ultimate twist of fate". The episode was about people who share the same name. So tonight I Googled "Jacqueline Phillips", and the number one search result was for an actress named Jacqueline Phillips who was in a few to movies and TV shows I have never heard of.

My list for Tuesday Ten this week is of the movies and TV shows that Jacqueline Phillips had a roll in:

  1. Vigilante (2009/II) .... Sally Kent
  2. "Emmerdale Farm" .... Jane Derry (1 episode, 2008)
        - Episode #1.5029 (2008) TV episode .... Jane Derry
  3. "55 Degrees North" .... Female Dogger (1 episode, 2004)
        - Episode #1.4 (2004) TV episode .... Female Dogger
  4. "Hope & Glory" .... Doctor (1 episode, 2000)
        - Episode #3.6 (2000) TV episode .... Doctor
  5. Ghosthunter (2000) .... Anne Hicks
  6. "Casualty" .... Ruth / ... (3 episodes, 1997-2000)
        - Being There: Part 2 (2000) TV episode .... Ruth
        - Being There: Part 1 (2000) TV episode .... Ruth
        - What Friends Are For (1997) TV episode .... Streetwoman
  7. The Man Who Knew Too Little (1997) .... Annabel
  8. "Sharman" .... Bren (2 episodes, 1996)
        - Episode #1.4 (1996) TV episode .... Bren
        - Episode #1.3 (1996) TV episode .... Bren
  9. "Wycliffe" .... Janice - SOCO (1 episode, 1996)
        - Crazy for You (1996) TV episode .... Janice - SOCO
  10. "Spender" .... Care Assistant (1 episode, 1992)
        - At the End of the Day (1992) TV episode .... Care Assistant
It will be my goal for the coming weeks to watch all 10 shows and movies with the beautiful Jacqueline Phillips in them. Let's see if I am able to pick her out of the cast of actors and actresses. And hey, if any of you have seen these shows or movies, give me a thumbs up or thumbs down would ya?

Do you have a ten for Tuesday?

Saturday 24 April 2010

Just a quick note

Ever had one of those days where you just sit around the house all day, puttering around doing nothing in particular? Well I just did.

It's early evening now, and I only have a few hours before I drag my ass to the comfort of my cozy bed, and I've accomplished absolutely nothing today. Hubby is away on a man retreat this weekend. The "HE-Man Woman Haters Club", is meeting for the first time this season at their wilderness getaway deep in the forest. I've been left home alone, but I don't mind, I'm enjoying the time for some quiet contemplation.

So here I sit, sun is sinking into the horizon, casting such a pretty glow. Candles are lit and flicker softly, the room is silent. Silent, except for the tapping of my fingers on the keyboard. Silent, except for Pink Floyd playing in the background.

I have been meaning to get around to one thing. I received an award for my blog last week from the ever so inspirational Tina from Gal Friday. Thank you Tina! I love visiting  Gal Friday's blog to read her interesting musings about life and motherhood, photography, and other very readable topics. Please stop by her blog sometime this week and say hello.

I have been the recipient of this award way back in November where I followed the rules and listed my "10 things you might not know about me". This time around I think I will put my own little spin on the rules and list "10 phobias you might not know I have".

1. Being tickled
2. Bright, loud patterns
3. Birds
4. Enclosed spaces
5. Clowns
6. Marionette puppets
7. Spiders
8. Failure
9. Hypnosis
10. Heights

For the the next part of this award I am suppose to list 10 recipients for the Honest Scrap, but since I have already passed this award along to a good number of you on my blogroll, I think I will just invite everyone who wishes to accept this award to grab the button that goes along with, and list your 10 fears, phobias, or things we might not know about you.

Hope your all have a lovely weekend!

Friday 23 April 2010

Phone dreams & Friday Fill-Ins #173

I had the strangest dream last night. I was standing beside a payphone having a smoke and was about to head back inside, when I noticed there was a message scribed on the payphone change return cup, "Lift Me", in girly handwriting and underscored with pink lines. I lifted the tab thing covering the change return, and quarters, nickles and dimes started flowing from the phone.  I stretched my shirt under the falling change so it wouldn't hit the dirty ground.  Finally it stopped flowing from the the phone and I stood there with my shirt heavy with change wondering what I should do.  Do I just walk away and count my good fortune or do I call the payphone company and return the loot??

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Now on to Friday Fill-Ins
Click on the link below to join in.

My answers are in bold. we go!

1. Where are my marbles Seems I have lost quite a few.
2. If wishes were horses beggars would ride.  All dreams and desires would ride along side.  Worries and troubles would fall off behind.  If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
3. I'd like to see some of my confidence return.
4. When I was a teen, I thought the world was full of hopeful optimism; that there would always be something better just around the corner.
5. One of my mother's favorite sayings was "bundle up! You will catch your death of cold".
6. I'd have a hard time doing without my notebook computer, or a camera handy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to some errands with hubby then an evening of wedding planning with my SIL and MIL, tomorrow my plans include some gardening and a baking spree and Sunday, I want to finish up the baking and make preparation for SIL's up-coming wedding!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Tuesday Ten

Ten semi-noteworthy things I did
while on blog hiatus:

 1.  Sourced out new accounting program 
+ did some online training on it.

  2.  Shot two rolls of film on my new Holga camera.

3.  Attended a dinner party to celebrate my
sister-in-law's upcoming nuptials.

 4.  Helped sis-in-law pick out and order the wedding cake.

5.  Shopped for wedding reception decoration with MIL.

(find the instructions here)

6.  Chopped my hair really short and changed the colour.
(Baby Sis and Me)

7.  Ordered some plants and flagstone for
landscaping projects this season.

 (via Blomidon Nursery)

8.  Enjoyed a lovely evening with the Sistas (the frogs).

9.   A couple days to recoup after gal bladder attack.

10.  Did a fair bit of daydreaming and planning.


Monday 19 April 2010

Well Spanx my ass and call me...

Errrr... skinnier? Umm... how about slightly altered???

I have a family wedding coming up in May and I need to look pretty. Hubby is a groomsman and will be decked out in a tuxedo and I feel like I need to find something to wear that will be equally dressy. So last Friday night after a few margaritas and some coaxing from the Sistas, I tried on a dress my sister-in-law is going to lend me for the wedding, a cute little Calvin Klein that I NEVER would have picked out myself (I am a pantsuit kinda gal).

The next morning, sober and in the light of day, I tried on the dress again and decided -no matter how hard I suck it all in- this dress just isn't working for me. Hubby however, disagreed and reassured me I look great and thought I definitively should wear the dress. But what should I do about all these uncontrollable body parts of mine? And then it hit me... Spanx! Ahhhhhhh! Can't you hear the choirs of angels singing? So last night I ordered my first pair of Spanx, actually, my first girdle type undergarment ever. I sure hope Spanx are an ASSet not an encumbrance; lift I need LIFT people... and smoothness and everything held into place just enough to pull off this dress.

Friday 16 April 2010

"Stay yourself and nothing less"

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
*textures  from my own collection.
*made with Adobe Photoshop.


Every Friday the folks over at Art Creation Friday post a new challenge, a picture or a background. The challenge is to use that picture or background to make an atc (artist trading card) or card, altered art, altered digital art, or something else you like.

Want to join in on the fun?
Click the image above to visit Art Creations Friday

Friday 2 April 2010

When patterns are broken...

new worlds emerge.  ~Tuli Kupferberg
{art creation friday #68}
some textures  from my own collection.
made with Adobe Photoshop


Every Friday the folks over at Art Creation Friday post a new challenge, a picture or a background. The challenge is to use that picture or background to make an atc (artist trading card) or card, altered art, altered digital art, or something else you like.

Want to join in on the fun?
Click the image above to visit Art Creations Friday

Thursday 1 April 2010

Something fun for April

Tracey over at projects is now starting a photography project for April called "The Photographic Interview". I had been planning on participating this month, but my little Fuji met with an unfortunate accident so now I am without my beloved point and shoot. Fortunately, I am expecting a new Holgo in the mail any day now, so I just might be able to have fun with this photography project after all.  Film is in the refrigerator and I'm just impatiently awaiting the arrival of the new camera so I can get going on this.

Q&A : The Photographic Interview is running during April 2010
To play, take 1 photograph as your answer to each of the questions below. The aim is to get to know you better, through your photographs
Upload to your blog, flickr account or anywhere else on the net, then come back and share your photographic interview.
1. What is your favourite part of your home
2. Your favourite number
3. The place that holds the most memories
4. One thing you wish you could do, but can’t
5. One thing you wish you could do, and can
6. Someone you don’t see a lot
7. Your favourite piece of clothing
8. What do you see in your future?

If you would like to join in the fun, you can check out all the photography projects and info over at
The Holga is a medium format analog camera made entirely out of plastic, including the lens.