Best Blogger Tips

Friday, 25 March 2011

Friday Fill-Ins

Want to play along?  Click the image below. we go!

1. Why does it _take me so long to fall to sleep lately?_

2. _250 ml_ is equal _to 1 cup_.

3. My favorite breakfast includes _Canadian back-bacon, scrambled eggs, hash browns, toast and a mimosa_.

4. _The Lake Of Dreams by Kim Edwards_ was the last book I read _and enjoyed_.

5. I am SO glad _we are all excited about the new puppy _.

6. _A hot water bottle and handfull of Midol_ would make me feel better right now.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _shopping for some doggie supplies_, tomorrow my plans include _hanging out here at home and possibly run some errands_ and Sunday, I want to _try for the market againSomething always seems to come up that takes precedence_!

Wishing you all a great weekend ♥
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Tamara said...

Ooh - Puppies!! Yummm. I envy you. I hope you get all the errands done so you can enjoy puppy time.

Sandra Collins said...

that breakfast sounds wonderful

A said...

Warm milk should help you fall asleep more easily.. :) Or perhaps a calming tea.. :)

Wow, a puppy! :) Have fun with your new addition to the family.. :)

Have a great weekend! :)

My FFI's are here. :)

Gal Friday said...

A new dog?!! What have I missed while not following your blog?(will catch up this weekend).

Sorry to learn you are still having sleep issues. Try taking calcium(I take a supplement with Vit. D and magnesium added) and Omega 3 Fish Oil with your evening meal--I have found I sleep like a rock ever since I started doing this over a month ago.

Barbara said...

A new puppy! How exciting!

Happy Friday.


kayerj said...

have a nice weekend :)

cheatymoon said...

Wait. New puppy? Have you posted photos yet? What kind?
I am dying for a puppy. Ack.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

gorgeous photo!
mimosa for breakfast sounds good to me too!

~Cheers Jack!

Billy Rhythm said...

Yeah, what's the puppy? Looks like I better read last week's posts!

Sorry I am so late; busy weekend! My answers are over at The Philosophy of Chairs. (But you knew that.)

Jack said...

Actually Billy, check my facebook for a link to his photo.