5 AM the forest at the back of my property is alive with bird calls. Sometimes I lay there and imagine I have a rain forest in my back yard.
I wonder how many species of birds are back there?
- Robin
- Woodpecker
- Crow
- Mourning Dove
- Blue Jay
- Chickadee
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird
- Sparrow
- Finch
- Loon
What bird species are in your backyard?
sparrows and starlings year round
ring necked doves (I think they are pests)
western king bird
northern flickers
we used to have grackles and evening grosbeaks but I haven't seen them since we cut down our Mulberry tree.
my mom has meadowlarks and pheasants
I came via Erin's blog....and liked this post, the same as I have on mine at the moment....though please, don't ask me the names of those birds!!
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