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Thursday, 28 April 2011

Friday Fill-Ins

-Rob Brezsny

Looking for the link to play along?
Just click on the image below. we go!

1. I love to cuddle with the pup and kitten in bed and listen to the peepers.

2. Can I get a wink and a smile?

3. It's how you know it's always best to trust your guts - you know that feeling you get way down in the pit of stomach?

4. I haven't seen the movie yet;  don't tell me!

5. Well, would you please get out and vote on Monday!

6. I have been enjoying the sounds of the season, especially the spring peepers.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to picking up baby girls prom dress from the dress shop, tomorrow my plans include shopping for the perfect shoes, clutch, tiara and other accessories to match her dress and Sunday, I want to pick a rout on the map and head off in that general direction!
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Janet said...

Hi Jack! I'm enjoying #6 too :-)

Gengen said...

Oh i like your #3...Happy FF!

shawiegirl said...

hi there! love all your answers! have a nice day!

Marites said...

oh, i love to do #1 too. #2 is really cute and I agree with #3. have a good weekend!

kayerj said...

I agree on all of those. Have a nice weekend.

Jhari said...

Nice answer on #4. Don't you just hate spoilers?

Oh dear, mine's up late again this week here. Hope you visit me back. Thanks!