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Monday 22 September 2008

Last Day of Summer

Sunday turned out to be a great day. Hubby and I headed out early for a little hike at a wilderness trail in Victoria Park in Truro, about 45 min. out of the city.

This is one of the climbs that starts at the bottom of a gorge and ascends up, up, up. I'm not too keen on heights and may have had one, or two panic attacks. It took some coaching, coaxing, and a little loving persuasion on hubby's part, but I did it! I did it!
Me and Hubby after the climb to the top - I'm trying to look casual and not totally petrified.
Heading down into the gorge and the spring fed well at the bottom.
There were a number of pretty waterfalls along the trail.
Then we were off to the look off to watch the tidal bore. The tidal bore is a wave of water that moves upstream against the current of the Shubenacadie River. Twice every day the Bay of Fundy fills and empties of its 100 billion tons of water, creating the highest tides in the world up to 53 feet high!
It was a great day and a great way to spend the last day of summer. There was the beauty of mother nature all around us and I found plenty of inspiration that day.

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cheatymoon said...

Looks like so much fun, and it's nice to see your face. I haven't been that brave yet.


Shadow said...

ít's so beautiful there. you live in such an amazing part of the world there!