So the deal is - I don't get to keep this little award all to myself, I must share the love. I don't mind one bit though, I enjoy sharing nice things with nice people. So, here are the rules...
(1) give this to people whose blogs mean something special to you - or give it to the blogs whose persons mean something special to you
(2) leave a comment on their blog so they know they got it
(3) you get to pick the number of times you give it
My picks are:
The Philosophy of Chairs - Billy Rhythm is one cool cat!
The Bee in Your Bonnet - TopHat and her adventures in motherhood.
only a movie - One of my newest daily reads, a teacher from Northern New England.
Hey thanks! I'm honored! I'll be sure and pass it along, too.
Congrats on the award!
yeah... you do make my day
you got it...
that's awesome
Thanks for the honor! This has really made my day!
Hey - thanks!! :-) I will be sure to pass it along.
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