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Thursday, 26 February 2009

Friday Fill Ins #113

Click here to play along we go!

1. I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother, I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I do not feel ashamed, I'm your hell, I'm your dream, I'm nothing in between, You know you wouldn't want it any other way - So take me as I am...

2. Why do I have all odd socks and not any pairs?

3. How does this script not work, anyway?

4. Every morning, I put mascara on my eyelashes and head out the door.

5. I consider myself lucky because I have three healthy, beautiful kids and wonderful hubby.

6. One day we’ll see if I don't completely loose my mind.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending the evening with hubby, tomorrow my plans include going to the dreaded grocery store, then dinner with the frogs (ya! ya! ribbit, ribbit) and Sunday, I want to stay home and catch up on laundry and possibly cook a nice dinner for the family!

The Frogs (ya!ya! ribbit, ribbit)

Have a beautiful weekend and be sure to check in tomorrow for a fun announcement...


Pseudo said...

I remember that song. I loved it.

I hate going to the grocery store too, hubby does a lot of our shopping because of that.

Have a great weekend Jack ; -)

Jaden Paige said...

I loved that song, too!

I actually like going grocery shopping... It's the one time each week that I have to myself, and I enjoy shopping anyway so it's a double bonus :)

Great answer to #2! I absolutely hate that! Where do they all go?!?!

Janet said...

That's a LOT of frogs! I enjoy grocery shopping, too :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog...and yes my dinner plans on Sat are with Janet!We try to get together once a week to catch up; drink some wine and laugh (or cry) depending on the week

The Liebers said...

Half of your socks have traded places with half of mine-that is why we both have twice as many odd ones!!

Casey said...

I almost did the same thing for number one... great song! Let me know if you figure out how to not lose your mind, I'm looking for that solution myself.

Terri said...

Well that looks like a fun group! What do you do together besides have fun? Great answers - enjoy your weekend.

Shadow said...

i love the no 1. i think that's so true for many of us...

and the socks, well, the other one is living on an island of never-ending parties.

have a good weekend jack!

A said...

#1 is great! I love that you made the connection! Hope you've had a wonderful weekend! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Amber said...

LOL, good fill in on #1!
D just ate frog lets for the first time this past week. We happened into a place that had them on the menu. He claims they taste like chicken and had no trouble eating them...I couldn't watch.
What a lovely group of ladies The Frogs are :oD

Gal Friday said...

I hate grocery shopping, too--I am there so often, but lately I have been asking my teenage daughter to come with me, and the fact that she WANTS to come along and I have company makes it more bearable.
Wow-you have such a professional looking blog(and I mean that in a good way--design-wise)and this place of yours looks like fun, too.

Anonymous said...

The frogs are a beautifula dn diverse looking bunch! Thanks for sharing!