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Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Wordless Wednesday:
Newest member of our family

 Visit other Wordless participants.

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Cat Wisdom 101 said...

Congrats on your new fur baby!

Jack said...

Thank you Layla, we are anxious to bring him home :)

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Very beautiful puppy!!!

Art of RetroCollage said...

Very cute new family member. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

ACK. SO cute!! xo

tracy said...

they are SO adorable! i've been trying to talk my hubby into a yorkie but he's kind of against small dogs and i just got a poodle/shih tzu a couple of weeks ago. but ahhhh! yorkies are just so stinkin' cute!

Gal Friday said...

At first I thought the puppies are mini schnauzers, but then I saw a comment above mentioning Yorkshire terriers. Is that what your new puppy is? They must be SO tiny.