My weekend was pretty laid back for the most part. We went to hubby's Aunties house on Friday for a potluck - baked beans, fish cakes, salads and yummy goodies. Saturday was spent running around for some last minute bunny treats. Sunday the family was up bright and early, we met my parents at a restaurant for breakfast, then back home the kids and hubby vegged out while I prepared a ham with all the trimmings (yummy).
Today I have the day off and so does Baby Girl but Hubby, Priss and The Boy had to work today. I had planned to use this day to do some yard work but there seems to be a battle raging outside between Old Man Winter and Lady Spring. The sun was shining earlier this morning and it looked like the day would be nice, but Old Man Winter had a few tricks up his sleeve... Lady Spring fought back hard bringing on sun then showers, then Old Winter would get a few punches in -- the sky goes black and the snow and ice start falling. What a wierd weather day we are having here in Hali.

I'm glad we have just regular crazy spring weather and not crazy weather like you're having.
I think I'm gonna go hunt down some chocolate now...
Wow. That's crazy. They did talk about snow in Northern Maine yesterday and I wondered how you were doing...
Gotta love the weather in the Maritimes! I've never experienced like it before or since living there.
Enjoy the rest of your Monday :)
We're having a day similar to that in the Pacific Northwest -- no snow, but sunny one minute, then dark clouds and hail or buckets of rain the next. At least it's not dull!
how about the "Icey Faeres" vs "Budding Sprites"...
Old Man sounds a bit... hmmm
uncharacteristic for you Jack ;)
Love the pics and post!
Seriously? 15 minutes. That's wild.
ha! and the weatherman is never right. don't give up honey, spring's bound to get there! your weekend sounds marvellous. i did.... hmmmm, only fun stuff too!
Amber, Movie and Lee, Terri, Pseudo - there is a song here that goes...
"... Nova Scotia weather isn't fit for man nor dog" - and that certainly was the case yesterday!
Larry - I really wasn't myself yesterday. Waking up to snow falling, knocked all the stuffin' out of me ;)
Shadow - The Weather man/woman, takes a lot of abuse around these parts. You know, people around here so get quite angry at the weather person.
Todays weather is just grey and cold but at least it's consistent...
crazy weather----
old man winter and lady spring battled it out here as well. I stayed inside sewing all weekend. Friday we had a brief glimmer of sunshine so hubby, the girls and grandkiddies loaded up and went out for an excursion. They returned 4 hours later--frozen!
kaye - Make hay while the sun shines... isn't that how the saying goes? 4 hours is a long excursion for this time of year. I'll bet they felt great after their little jaunt :)
wanna come to alabama and shoot my daughters wedding? in August :) promise no snow...
Oh how exciting Larry! August is a perfect month for a wedding... congratulations to your daughter :)
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