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Thursday, 30 April 2009

We have been evacuated

We were evacuated from our home yesterday afternoon due to forest fires that have been burning out of control since Wednesday. Hopefully we will be able to go home in the AM. to check and see if we have a home to go back to... I'm wishing all who have been affected by this tragedy, Good Luck!

I will keep you posted as to when we will be able to check our home and post some fire photos as well.


Madeleine said...

I hope and wish for you and your family that you are comming back to a home waiting for you intact...I am thinking about you.

Amber said...

oh man that brings back so many memories of the 2003 when Kelowna had a bad wildfire.
I hope your family fares well, and that the community can come together in this time of need.

TopHat said...

Oh no! I hope everyone and everything will be safe!

Terri said...

Will be thinking of you Jack, and hoping for the best. I had no idea this was happening! Good luck, sweetie.

Pseudo said...

Oh no Jack. Will b ethinking of you and hoping for the best.

kayerj said...

ditto--prayers for you

Jack said...

thank you all so much for your kind words and well wishes, they are very much appreciated today!!!

A quick up-date. Fires are still burning strong here in Halifax. I'm unsure as to whether or not we will be able to return back to our homes today... not sure if our home was spared from the flames.

Today I will be attending a memorial service for a family member but will try to keep posting throughout the day.

Chronicle Herald

cheatymoon said...

Hang in there, Jack. Thinking of you!!

koreen (aka: winn) said...

I had no clue there were fires in Halifax, and I'm just an hour away! I guess thank goodness for the rain today... I knew there had to be a reason. Hope you get back home safe. Take good care of yourself and your family.

Thinking you you and sending good thoughts your way....