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Wednesday 30 July 2008

Random Thoughts

It's a glorious Wednesday here on the East Coast. The sun is shining, there is a gentle breeze blowing and all is good. Here are some random thoughts for this Wednesday:

-Most song I love make me feel good.

-Certain genres of music make me want to poke out my eardrums, such as most Country music and Opera -- however, there are some Operas I do truly enjoy, two of them are; The Rabbit of Seville and What's Opera, Doc?
Elmer Fudd: I'll kill the wabbit! Awise storm! North wind bwow! South wind bwow! Huwwicanes! Typhoons! Earthquakes! *Smog!*

Bugs: O mighty warrior of great fighting stock. Might I inquire to ask, ehh, what's up Doc?
(Oh my, those two crack me up!)
-Music, like Art, can inspire us and affect us all in a multitude of ways.

So tonight I think I will put on some vinyl, poor a glass of vino, relax and let the music inspire me.

Here is the link to watch The Rabbit of Seville and What's Opera Doc?
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