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Wednesday 28 January 2009

OCD invading my dreams

I know it's suppose to be a Wordless Wednesday, but I needed to get this nightmare I had off my chest.

Last night I dreamed the drawstring around my hood was uneven. I was frantically pulling on them trying to even them up, but no matter what I did I couldn't make them the same length. It really annoyed the shit out of me!

Dream experts say dreams always leave us with an emotional hangover -- true, I woke up this morning feeling frustrated and anxious and those feelings have been with me all day. Some dream experts say about 12 percent of dreams are precognitive - that is, they come true. Gah! just imagine how frustrating this would be in "real life"! {hehe}

Dream Links you might find of interest:
Dream Doctor - Search for clues to your dream
Dream Psychology
Dream Journal - Create and customize an online dream journal
Daily OM - Dream Power


cheatymoon said...

That sounds frustrating! I think winter always brings weird dreams...

I have had dreams that have come true. Freakish.

Jack said...

That is very freakish! Most of the dreams I remember are pretty strange, nothing I'd want coming true.

Anonymous said...

interesting links...altho not a great fan of Freud, dreams are fascinating things and The Ex had attemtped to keep a dream journal for awhile...

the brain does try to process for us while we are asleep...

its the deja vu stuff that weirds me out....

Jack said...

I once heard an explaination for deja vu but I can't remember what it was. {looking it up now}

LarryG said...

what an unually trying dream!

my recent "breakup" brought on a dream - i was at her house - and there was one or more broken glasses, and glass was everywhere, and we were trying to pick it up...

i think i am letting go (it's been about three weeks :)

Jack said...

Ahhh... Larry, maybe it symbolized picking up the pieces???

Are you any of you believers that dreams actually reflect our "real" lives? {I smell a blog post idea} ;)

cheatymoon said...

I think there are theories that you work stuff out in dreams that you otherwise wouldn't work out while waking. Then there are theories that what you are thinking about and solving in your dream is every bit as important as your waking life. Then there's the theory that maybe while we're awake is really the dream. And then I'm so far down the rabbit hole, I may as well just shut up and watch Lost. But yeah, a blog post would be a good idea, Jack. Sorry to write one in your comments, lol.

Shadow said...

i somehow don't think this dream is precognitive. this one has a hidden meaning... like something you are frustrated with, that just doesn't want to get done, or isn't the way you want it to be, something like that...